Our work

in technology

In a hyper connected world and with the advancement of new technologies at an accelerated pace, our professionals work on the most diverse topics related to Technology, Privacy and Data Protection.

In addition to offering legal innovation as a product, we make intensive use of technological tools in the provision of our services, seeking greater operational efficiency at all times.


We do

Privacy and Data Protection

  • Customized LGPD adaptation projects
  • DPO Support / Data Protection Governance
  • Compliance Metrics
  • Contractual Revisions / Addendums
  • Risk Analysis
  • Personalized training
  • Monitoring in litigation / administrative matters
  • Strategic content
  • Development of the Data Protection Programs
  • Due diligence in corporate transactions
  • Brazil – Global Connection: integration of Brazilian Data Protection Program into global structures
  • Legal Opinions / preparation of thesis
  • Data Protection across LATAM
  • Workshops with design thinking, agile or privacy management models

Information Security

  • Legal support for ISO 27001 certification processes
  • Information Security Policy (including Home Office Policy)
  • Cyber Security Policy – CMN Resolution No. 4893/2021
  • Cyber Security Policy – SUSEP Circular No. 638/2021
  • Incident Response Plan compliant with relevant regulations / other jurisdictions
  • Calculation of the Incident Severity Score with ENISA methodology (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity)
  • Notifications to authorities and affected personal data subjects
  • Legal support for handling security incidents

Financial Regulatory

  • Financial product analysis
  • Technical Notes
  • Currency tokens (altcoins, stablecoins, CBDCs)
  • Regulatory Compliance Checklist
  • Legal framework for currency exchange
  • Regulation of Open Banking / Open Finance
  • PIX Regulation
  • Records for receivables

Artificial intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment (AIIA) on discriminatory biases
  • ISO 24027/2021 checklist
  • Legal Analysis of Product Risk

Blockchain and Digital Assets

  • Blockchain and Digital Assets
  • Assistance in issuing Tokens (NFTs, Security Tokens, Utility Tokens, Fan Tokens, etc.)
  • Legal advice in business development
  • Impact and Technological Feasibility Reports
  • Legal assistance in the preparation and review of Smart Contracts
  • Preservation of evidence on Blockchain

Digital Transformation

  • Authenticity and integrity of electronic documents
  • Digital Platforms
  • Intellectual property in digital media
  • Fraud and cybercrime
  • Preservation of digital evidence

Legal Design and Visual Law

  • Transparency: Document design (contracts, court documents, corporate policies, privacy notices)
  • Solutions: Disruptive solutions for complex processes
  • UX + Legal: Analysis of apps and websites from a UX and legal compliance perspective


  • Webinars / Online
  • Gamification
  • Booklets
  • In-person with dynamics (active methodologies)
  • Design Thinking or Agile Workshops
  • Quizzes
  • Videos
  • Infographics



Always using simple, visual, intuitive and accessible language

Personalized and focused on the real needs of each client

Driven by practical sense and business logic

Collaboration with other teams and sectors

Focused on sharing knowledge and giving independence to our clients



Talk to

an expert

Terms and Conditions*




ANPD publishes Cookies and Data Protection Guideline

Today (10/18), the Brazilian DPA (ANPD) published its Cookies and Data Protection Guidelines for the purpose of guiding processing agents on the best practices to be adopted on the subject, outlining points of attention regarding the rights and obligations of these...


Brazil’s Central Bank implements resolution on data sharing

On 23 May, Brazil’s central bank (BACEN) published a Joint Resolution that provides for the requirements that must be observed by institutions in the sharing of data and information on indications of fraud. The Resolution determines that financial institutions,...

Brazilian DPA releases statement on processing of children’s data

On May 24, the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) issued a statement allowing the use of the justifications for use personal data (Article 7) and sensitive personal data (Article 11) in respect of processing of personal data of...