The Brazilian PPH “Fast Track” Program – One year on

by | Feb 21, 2021 | Articles, Intellectual Property, Legal & IP Strategy, Patents, Prosecution

It is one year since the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) published Rule 252/2019, unifying the procedure for requesting participation in the various Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) programs. The PPH is a way of achieving accelerated examination for patent applications and has proved to be quite promising for applicants who need to speed up this process.

In its first year, 500 patent applications were submitted. Since the resolution took effect, 92% of requests for fast-track were admitted. In this period, more than 200 patent applications were submitted to a final examination decision and almost 40% were granted. The second phase of the project has already been announced.

On a first analysis, the PPH pilot project must be acknowledged as a success. However, there is still some concern about the continuation of this important initiative by the BRPTO, which is scheduled to end on November 31, 2022. We will continue to monitor all developments in this area.

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