Patent license agreement in the domestic appliances sector. Our firm assisted the client in reviewing and negotiating a patent license agreement that allows their newly created Brazilian entity to use its trademarks in Brazil for manufacturing and selling domestic appliances.
Background: For future divestment purposes, the client created a separate legal structure for the Domestic Appliance Business within their group to disentangle the assets and their respective liabilities, contracts and employees related to the Domestic Appliance Business.
Complex case involving other subsidiaries: This is a complex case involving other brands in the client’s group owned by another entity. We had to look for an agreement structure encompassing all the companies that offered the client fiscal efficiency on royalty payments for the patent license.
Latest development: The agreement is in the final negotiation phase and will be signed soon.
The significance, impact and/or outcome. This is a complex case that involves other brands within the client’s group owned by another entity.